Demolition permits have been issued for two worker’s cottages to make way for a new mixed-use redevelopment. Planned by Development Group LLC Fulton Market Branch, the project will demolish the two existing masonry buildings to create one larger site situated along N. Damen Ave between W. Charleston St and W. Shakespeare Ave.

With Hanna Architects on board for the design of the new construction, the redevelopment will stand four stories tall. The first floor will have retail space along N. Damen Ave and parking in the back. There will be a two-car garage in the building and a four-car garage detached with a rooftop deck. The upper floors of the building will hold six residential units with rear porches and access to a rooftop deck.

2127 - 2129 N. DamenGoogle Maps

With both the full building permit and both demolition permits issued, the project has all of its entitlements to get construction started. Demox Inc will serve as the demolition contractor for the two existing buildings and BM UK Enterprise Company will serve as the general contractor for new construction.