The Chicago City Council has approved a rezoning for 641 E. 47th. Consisting of two adjacent lots, the project’s site is currently home to a one-story building holding Two Fish Crab Shack and a vacant lot. Being developed by Two Fish Crab Shack itself, the site will be cleared to make way for the new building.

641 E. 47thFuture Firm

With Future Firm on board for the design, the new structure will stand five floors, holding ground floor commercial space and eight dwellings on the upper floors. Split into three spaces, the ground floor retail will include a dedicated space for Two Fish Crab Shack to occupy once construction is completed. 

641 E. 47thFuture Firm

Rising 64 feet tall, the eight apartments will occupy the upper floors. With two units per floor, units will face north or south with a small, shared elevator lobby on each floor. Each unit will have three bedrooms. Residents will have access to 11 parking spaces on the ground floor, accessible from the alley.

641 E. 47thFuture Firm

With City Council approval, the site has been rezoned from B1-1, Neighborhood Shopping District, to B1-3, Neighborhood Shopping District. Permits for the development have not been issued and a construction timeline is currently unknown.