The Chicago City Council has approved a rezoning to allow for the conversion of The Mabel’s vacant retail space into new apartments at 5920 N. Ridge. Planned by Ernst Development and Envoi Partners LLC, the recently rehabbed residential building is situated on a triangular parcel at the southeastern corner of N. Ridge Ave and N. Clark St.

The Mabel at 5920 N. RidgeHirsch MPG

Designed by Hirsch MPG, the long-vacant retail space will be converted into 17 new residential units and a green space courtyard. A new retail tenant will be added to the highly visible corner of the building and current retail tenant B&W Gym will get new signage and a remodeled entrance along N. Ridge Ave.

The Mabel at 5920 N. RidgeHirsch MPG

Set to improve the streetscape, the residential spaces along N. Clark St will be set back with patios, ornamental vegetation, and passage doors for the apartments to the patios. Of the 17 new apartments, three of them will be ARO units at 60% AMI. 

The Mabel at 5920 N. RidgeHirsch MPG

With City Council approval secured, the building is being rezoned from C1-2 to B2-3. The development team can now move forward with permitting and construction.