A demolition permit has been issued to clear the way for the planned mixed-use development at 345 N. Aberdeen. Planned by Sterling Bay, the project site is a full-block lot bound by N. Carpenter St to the east, W. Carroll Ave to the south, N. Aberdeen St to the west, and the Metra tracks to the north. The existing one-story industrial building on the property will be demolished.
Designed by Gensler, the new development will stand 473 feet tall over 44 floors, with 559 residential units, 20% or 112 of which will be set aside as affordable at an average of 60% AMI. The building will also provide 255 parking spaces and 559 bike parking spaces.
On the ground floor, the residential lobby will occupy the southeastern corner of the building, facing the corner of W. Carroll Ave and N. Carpenter St. The building’s 10,000 square feet of retail space will face the corner of W. Carroll Ave and N. Aberdeen St. Mechanical space will stretch along the north side of the ground floor along the tracks, with loading fronting N. Carpenter St and the parking access from N. Aberdeen St.
After studying a few iterations of the building's massing, the north/south oriented bar building was selected. The building was shifted to the east to open up some public space along the western side of the property and the tower’s massing evolved to create a more vertical expression and break up the length of the facade. Along W. Carroll Ave, the tower expression reaches down to the ground to announce the residential entry. Topping out at 473 feet tall, the building’s facade will be made up of a metal and glass window wall on the tower and a brick expression on the podium.
With the demolition permit issued, demolition contractor Heneghan Wrecking & Excavating can clear the site to make way for the new development. It is currently unclear what the future for the parcel is since Sterling Bay secured approval for the development but is also seeking to potentially sell the property or enter into a joint venture to develop the building.